Weigh out the ingredients


For the milk bread dough, you'll need bread flour, all purpose flour, water, milk, sugar, yeast, salt, milk powder, egg, and butter.

Weigh out the ingredients


For the honey butter, you'll need honey, butter, and flaky sea salt.

In a small saucepan, combine the water, milk, and flour. Heat over low-medium heat, mixing frequently with a rubber spatula for about 5 minutes or until it thickens. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

Make the tangzhong


Combine the milk, sugar, & yeast, then whisk in the egg. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine all ingredients. Mix on medium speed, then add the softened butter. Continue mixing for about 8 minutes until smooth and passes the windowpane test. Proof overnight.

Make the dough


Divide the dough into 12 parts,  40g each. Flatten each dough piece into a disk, then fold the edges over into its center, forming a smooth surfaced ball. On a non-floured surface, roll the ball with a cupped hand until smooth. Place in a 12"x8" oval dish or 9" square pan spaced about 1" apart.

Shape the rolls


Cover the rolls and allow to proof for about 1 hour in a warm environment until doubled in size. Brush with an egg wash, then bake for about 20 minutes until golden.

Proof & Bake


Immediately after the rolls come out of the oven, brush with the honey butter & top with flaky sea salt.

Brush with honey butter


Serve warm & enjoy!
